vue 实现根据接口数据动态生成表单页面
相信这样的需求在很多实用vue的后台管理型项目中都会遇到,后台管理型应用中出现最多的是列表与详情页,详情页就是这里的表单页面,如果通过手动的编写模板的方式来实现列表页是在是太费劲了,主要是要花费较多的时间来写页面,如何简化呢,这里就想到了vue的动态组件(该实现基于iview UI组件库)。
该组件的设计需要使用到iview组件库中的 Table、Modal、Form、Button这4个组件,重点需要设计组件属性为columns属性,该属性不仅最为该组件中列表页的表头,同时还作为动态生成表单页面的数据,具体的设计可以参考如下:
import moment from 'moment'
export const columns = [{
type: 'selection',
width: 60,
align: 'center'
type: 'inputitem',
label: '测试输入框',
prop: 'test1', // 同时其也是列表中使用的
placeholder: '请输入测试的内容',
title: '测试的第一个字段',
key: 'test1',
align: 'left',
ellipsis: true,
type: 'inputitem',
label: '测试输入框1',
prop: 'test2', // 同时其也是列表中使用的
placeholder: '请输入测试的内容',
title: '测试的第二个字段',
key: 'test2',
align: 'left',
ellipsis: true,
type: 'selectitem',
label: '测试选择框',
prop: 'test3', // 同时其也是列表中使用的
placeholder: '请选择',
title: '测试的第三个字段',
key: 'test3',
align: 'left',
ellipsis: true,
options: [
id: '01',
name: '01'
id: '02',
name: '02'
id: '03',
name: '03'
type: 'datepickeritem',
label: '测试时间',
prop: 'test4', // 同时其也是列表中使用的
placeholder: '请选择时间',
title: '测试时间',
key: 'test4',
align: 'left',
ellipsis: true,
render: function (h, params) {
let test4 = moment(params.row.test4).format('YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss')
return h('span', test4)
type: 'textareaitem',
label: '测试文本框',
prop: 'test5', // 同时其也是列表中使用的
placeholder: '请输入测试的文本框',
title: '测试的第五个字段',
key: 'test5',
align: 'left',
ellipsis: true,
export const data = [{
test1: 1,
test2: 2,
test3: '01',
test4: new Date(),
test5: 'asdfas sagfdsgfdhgfhdhg'
test1: 1,
test2: 2,
test3: '01',
test4: new Date(),
test5: 'asdfas sagfdsgfdhgfhdhg'
test1: 1,
test2: 2,
test3: '01',
test4: new Date(),
test5: 'asdfas sagfdsgfdhgfhdhg'
test1: 1,
test2: 2,
test3: '01',
test4: new Date(),
test5: 'asdfas sagfdsgfdhgfhdhg'
test1: 1,
test2: 2,
test3: '01',
test4: new Date(),
test5: 'asdfas sagfdsgfdhgfhdhg'
data中的为测试数据,formcomponents中的为进行表现一致封装的form表单组件,sublistdetail.vue 则为组件的主体,主体组件中包含了Table、Modal,没有拆分,主要考虑到降低组件的复杂性,具体的代码实现如下:
<div class="sublistdetail">
<Card :bordered="false" :dis-hover="true" class="searchbar-container">
<Form inline :label-width="0">
<FormItem :label-width="0">
<Button type="primary" @click="handleAdd" icon="android-add">新增</Button>
<Button type="error" @click="handleDelete" icon="ios-close">删除</Button>
<whitespace :spaceheight="10"></whitespace>
<Table @on-row-dblclick="dbclick" @on-selection-change="selectionChange" border stripe size="small" :columns="columns" :data="listData"></Table>
<Modal :mask-closable="false" v-model="modal" title="新增明细">
<Form ref="formValidate" :model="formValidate" :rules="ruleValidate" :label-width="80">
<component v-if="item.type !== 'selection'" v-for="(item, index) of columns" :formValidate="formValidate" :key="index" :is="item.type" :itemconfig="item" @valueChange="valueChange"></component>
<Button type="primary" @click="handleSubmit('formValidate')">提交</Button>
<Button type="ghost" @click="handleReset('formValidate')" style="margin-left: 8px">重置</Button>
<div slot="footer"></div>
import * as formcomponents from './formcomponents'
import { whitespace } from '../listdetail'
import utils from '@/utils/utils.js'
import _ from 'lodash'
export default {
name: 'sublistdetail',
props: {
columns: {
type: Array,
required: true,
data: {
type: Array,
required: true
components: { ...formcomponents, whitespace },
data () {
return {
loading: false,
modal: false,
selection: [],
listData: [],
formValidate: {},
detailStatus: 'add', // add || edit
ruleValidate: {
test1: [{ required: true, message: 'test1不能为空', trigger: 'blur' }],
test5: [{ required: true, message: 'test5不能为空', trigger: 'blur' }]
mounted () {
let me = this
let {data} = me
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
let item = data[i]
item['_index'] = i
methods: {
handleSubmit (name) {
let me = this
this.$refs[name].validate(valid => {
if (valid) {
let formValidate = me.formValidate
// 判断是编辑还是新增
if (formValidate._index !== undefined) {
// 在数组中找到它
for (let i = 0; i < me.listData.length; i++) {
if (me.listData[i]._index === formValidate._index) {
for (let key in formValidate) {
me.listData[i][key] = formValidate[key]
} else {
formValidate['_index'] = me.listData.length
me.formValidate = {}
me.$emit('afterAdd', me.listData)
me.modal = false
} else {
handleReset (name) {
dbclick (row, index) {
this.modal = true;
this.formValidate = row
handleAdd () {
this.modal = true
this.detailStatus = 'add'
this.formValidate = {}
handleDelete () {
let me = this
let {selection} = this
if (selection.length === 0) {
} else {
for (let item of selection) {
utils.removeObjWithArr(me.listData, item, '_index')
me.$emit('afterDelete', me.listData)
me.detailStatus = 'edit'
me.selection = []
selectionChange (selection) {
this.selection = selection
valueChange (key, value) {
this.formValidate[key] = value
<style scoped>
if (me.listData[i]._index === formValidate._index) {
for (let key in formValidate) {
me.listData[i][key] = formValidate[key]
if (me.listData[i]._index === formValidate._index) {
me.listData[i] = formValidate
<FormItem :label="itemconfig.label" :prop="itemconfig.prop" :labelWidth="100">
<Input @on-change="valueChange" v-model="value" :placeholder="itemconfig.placeholder"></Input>
export default {
name: 'inputitem',
props: {
itemconfig: {
type: Object,
required: true
formValidate: {
type: Object
data () {
return {
value: ''
watch: {
formValidate: {
handler: function (curVal, oldVal) {
let {key} = this._props.itemconfig
if (!curVal[key]) {
this.value = ''
} else {
this.value = curVal[key]
deep: true
methods: {
valueChange () {
this.$emit('valueChange', this._props.itemconfig.key, this.value)